25 de mar. de 2012

2nd IN SERVICE TEACHER TRAINING - at Pólo UAB - March 16th,  2012

                                          MORNING SHIFT GROUP

                                        ¨Do you know your neighbors?¨

                                            Name Tag game

                                       Sharing name tag information in small groups

 Teacher André shares the project he developed with his students of the Ruben Schmidlin School integrating music in the school syllabus

 Teacher Ligia shows the project her students developed related to music and video productions

                                    AFTERNOON SHIFT GROUP

                                         Coordinator Ivete greets the group

                                       Name Tag game

                            Coffee Break - Valdicleia made delicious cup cakes to share

 Adriana Machado shares the ¨timeline¨ activity with focus on the Past Tense and illustrated by
                     the students´ pictures
Claudia Roque shares the good results of the English speaking countries exhibit developed by the Lacy Flores Municipal students for the ¨Mostra de Leitura e Escrita¨

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